Apocalypse now Final scenes

 Apocalypse now final scenes 

In the final scenes of Apocalypse now we basically see the fate of Kurtz granted by Willard and how Willard’s mind is then affected by everything that has happened. Kurtz has assimilated that these are his final moments and that Willard is there to kill him, this is accompanied by intertwined shots of the animal being sacrificed, almost insinuating that the death of Kurtz is ritualistic and something that was meant to happen as this ritual of killing the animal is a tradition. This mixed with the heavy music and sounds being displayed in the background makes this scene a complete chaos but at the same time orchestrated amazingly, almost like the conclusion of the movie. Willard also has a great quote “ They train young men to drop fire on people. But their commanders won't allow them to write 'fuck' on their airplanes because it's obscene ” which is basically just a big critique on society as a whole, and how what’s morally wrong is always subjective and it always depends on what benefits the bigger powers of society. 

The character development of Willard at the end is basically dictated by Kurtz, as Willard thought he was sent to kill a man who had massacred people undeservingly, but as he continues with his mission he starts to realize that the generals wanted him to kill Kurtz because he had realized the madness that war is and the destruction that it brings to everything. 

Near the ending we get a perfect analogy, we see Willard come out of the temple victorious after having killed Kurtz, ready to go back and tell the truth exposing all the manipulation going behind closed doors, but as he does, we see the Indigneous kneel down before Willard, recognizing that he has beat who before was their leader, now paying allegiance to him, which is a perfect representation of war as a whole, and how the biggest force and strongest side that wins will always have that inmense power no matter what happens. And the leader changing from one American soldier to a different one simply symbolizes how America will always rule over the poorer countries with less resources in an abusive manner. 


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