Shaun of the dead Opening scene
Shaun of the dead Opening scene At the start of this scene we get a direct shot of Shaun staring right into the camera almost breaking the fourth wall, and immediately asserting the main character of the film. The setting is dark and almost depressing. Shaun’s attention is then caught by Lizzie, his girlfriend, as she is talking to him about how she isn’t happy in their relationship and feels like it is being made very difficult by Shaun’s friend, Ed. This situation is then highlighted by Ed interrupting Lizzie after every sentence further proving this uncomfortable situation in which Shaun is in the middle of, especially with Lizzie’s friends too on the other side, showing how Shaun is trapped between this dilemma of maturing and growing up, or staying the same as in his college years just like Ed. In this scene Lizzie says “I sound like your mother” which inflates the situation and provokes Lizzie’s friends to start asking multiple questions but not letting Shaun fo...